Our mission is to be a place of

belonging and discovery.

Our vision is a thriving community in which every young person is welcome, supported, and inspired.

The Funhouse seeks to grow a nurturing culture that holds diversity, equity, inclusion and justice as guiding principles of our work.

We are committed to creating an environment where individuals of every race, ethnicity, culture, religion, immigration status, gender, sexual orientation, ability, and background, feel welcome, valued, respected, and belong. 

We will take deliberate actions to promote fairness and equity in all aspects of our work. We pledge to confront both our own conscious and unconscious biases, working diligently to eliminate systems and structures that sustain all forms of discrimination.  

This is an ongoing process and together we can break free from the constraints of outdated norms and create a brighter, more equitable future for all.


We believe that everyone has a right to experience the delight of learning and self-discovery, and to have fun!

Our Core Values


We build an inclusive community where young people and families feel accepted and celebrated.


We provide young people with skills to build resilience and positive visions for their future.


We seek to understand and advance the interests and needs of young people and their families.

Code of Conduct

The Funhouse Commons is guided by our vision, activated by our mission, unified by our core values, held accountable by our DEI policy, and driven by our principles.
The Funhouse Commons board of directors, employees, volunteers, mentors and community partners agree to the following code of conduct:

Guiding Principles

Safety – We prioritize the physical, emotional, and psychological safety of children, adults, and caregivers. The burden of prevention and protection must sit squarely on the shoulders of adults who are legally and morally responsible for the health and safety of children. We therefore require background checks, initial and ongoing training for those who work, mentor or volunteer with children and youth. 

Respect – We value the dignity of each individual, and therefore foster an environment where everyone feels heard, understood, treated fairly regardless of their perspective, background, or differences. 

Honor We honor how every person chooses to describe themselves by way of their preferred identity and expression. 

Non-judgement – We refrain from imposing personal biases or making negative assessments or criticisms about individuals based on their actions, beliefs, choices, or characteristics by practicing an open mind, empathy, acceptance and affirmation.

Non-violent We advocate for resolving conflict through peaceful, respectful and mutual respect that upholds dignity and fosters harmony. Therefore, we prohibit games, activities, symbols, and rhetoric and activities that promote violence.

Confidentiality - We maintain a safe and supportive environment by promoting trust. Therefore do not share private and personal information without consent, unless there is a legal or ethical obligation to disclose. 

Statement of Support for LGBTQ+ Youth – We affirm our unwavering support for LGBTQ+ youth. We recognize the unique challenges and discrimination these young people experience targeted with political pressures that do not honor, respect or ensure their safety. Therefore, we wholeheartedly welcome, support and are committed to creating an inclusive environment free from judgment and discrimination where LGBTQ+ and all youth may thrive.