Hello, and welcome to the 5th Annual Funhouse Gingerbread House Contest! 
To enter, you must complete and submit the form below - one form per entry - before December 8th. 

Please read all rules and details before registering. 

An old-fashioned baking contest with four (4) age groups and three (3) awards per age group – for 12 awards total.  


Littles: Ages 6 and under

Kids: Ages 7-12

Teens: Ages 13-18

Adults: Ages 19-99+

The prizes in each category are: "Best in Show", "Creativity Award" (based on playful, unique and magical thinking), and “Architect’s Award" (observing complexity, construction detail, and precision).


Littles: Best in Show: $50; Creativity & Architect’s Awards: $20ea.

Kids: Best in Show: $100; Creativity & Architect’s Awards: $50ea.

Teens: Best in Show: $250; Creativity & Architect’s Awards: $100ea.

Adults/Open: Best in Show: $500; Creativity & Architect’s Awards: $150ea.

As well, the four (4) Best in Show winners will name any Orcas non-profit to receive an additional matching donation, equal to their prize!


Please read these carefully, as failure to observe may invalidate your entry.

Individual & Group Registration 

  • There may only be one entry per individual, though multiple individuals from a single household are permitted to enter.

  • In the ADULT/OPEN category ONLY, entries may be created by an individual OR a team, w/unlimited team members of any age - friends, family, etc. (Please, no professional bakers – this is strictly for amateurs). However, IF using a team, you may not enter using an individual’s name; rather you must use a team name (e.g. “The Olga Bakers”, the “Hernandez Family”, “Team Santa”) with one, single contact person.


  • Gingerbread “houses” may also be any other imaginative dwelling you can dream up (train stations, barns, birdhouses, lighthouses etc.).   Up to (1) single battery-powered element may be used, though certainly not required (lights, turning device, etc.).  No A/C electricity may be involved.

  • Inedible elements from nature - leaves, twigs, etc.- may be used for exterior details.

Edible Materials 

  • For only the LITTLES category, graham crackers and/or kits are acceptable.  All other entrants must use at least 50% homemade gingerbread for their entry’s basic structure and all work must be original - no kits please (except for 6 and under).  For all participants under 17, help is allowed with the baking and materials.  However, after this preliminary assist, ALL ACTUAL DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION must be done strictly by the entrant personally, with no outside help, even the Littles.

  • ANY form of edible material - icing, candies, nuts, cookies, sugars, etc. - is allowed to build and decorate, but all elements - except for the base, any battery element and lollipop sticks - must be 100% edible. That is, no glue, Styrofoam, jewelry, ornaments, Fimo®, plastics or other non-edibles allowed.  

  • Fondant may be used but must not compose more than 40% of the structure's finish.

  • Materials that require refrigeration are NOT permitted.

  • The Funhouse will have some edible decorations available on a first come first serve basis if needed/wanted. Please reach out to Sarah Davis (sarahdavis@thefunhouse.org) to arrange pick-up.

Age Categories

  • You are allowed to enter any older category if you’d prefer (i.e. a 15-year-old entering the Adult category), however, you are not allowed to enter your creation into more than one category nor, obviously, in any younger categories.

Submission Details  

  • Please submit your entries on a flat, sturdy surface (e.g. plywood, thick cardboard covered in foil, foam core, etc.) no larger than 18” x 18” – that is, no plates or pans please.  Also, please attach a 3"x5" card with the entrant's name, telephone number and E-mail address on the underside of the base. 


  • Once registered below, entrants agree to deliver their creations to The Funhouse anytime between Noon-3pm, on Sunday 12/15.

  • Winners will be announced by Sunday, 12/15. You will be notified via email or text, whether or not your entry won, with our great thanks for participating!  Please make a note to check for this notification Sunday night.

  • The twelve (12) winning entries will then be transported by us and displayed at Island Market from Monday, 12/16 - Tuesday 12/24 for all of your Island neighbors to see and appreciate.

  • Any winning participants who want to take their entries home will need to pick them up anytime by Tuesday, Christmas Eve, 12/24, during Island Market’s business hours*. Otherwise they will be given away or discarded. *Please see Island Market’s holiday hours for pick-up time.

  • If your entry does not win an award, you may pick it up from The Funhouse anytime Monday, 12/16 between 9:00am-5:00pm. Remaining entries will be given away or discarded.

  • If you absolutely cannot make one or more of these dates, while we can’t guarantee accommodation, please email Nicole at the Funhouse nicole@thefunhouse.org as early as possible and we will explore alternate arrangements.


  • To ensure objective fairness, all entries will be assigned a random number, so judges won’t have any names associated while judging.  Also, no housemates nor family members of judges will be allowed to participate.  Also, note that if one entry happens to receive the top score in more than one category, the 2nd place entry will then be crowned the winner of the lesser category of the two. That is, no entry will win more than one award.

  • You agree that we can use your name and/or a likeness of your creation in our publicity and, while we will make our very best efforts to handle, place and move all entries with care and caution, you agree to hold us harmless from any liability for any reason regarding any aspect of this competition and your creation.

  • We are not judging the taste of your entries, partly because we want to keep them intact.  YOU, however, are welcome to eat them once you bring them back home!


  • It is recommended to use Royal Icing only, as egg-based or buttercream frosting will turn rancid & disintegrate – and ideally allow each section to dry and harden before moving.  Remember, these don’t need to be ‘fresh’.

  • Also, best to bake your gingerbread pieces (and spares!) at least a couple of days in advance so it can do any shrinking before assembling.